Thursday, May 22, 2008

It baffles me

All right, I got worked up about Hillary (again) when I read that The Huffington Post is running a shocker of a piece claiming that Clinton donor and entertainment magnate Haim Saban offered the Young Democrats of America access to $1 million in funds if their two remaining superdelegates - David Hardt and Crystal Strait - endorsed Sen. Clinton. It was substantiated by four independent sources.

Why can't so many people see through this woman's housewifely facade to the snake oil salewoman behind it. She has played one dirty card after another in this campaign and now continues to divide the party with her personal ambitions in the face of defeat. I do not find this admirable, but entirely self serving.

Before the campaign the woman rode Bill's flapping coattails to a position of name-recognition, albeit for rather dubious reasons - cuckolded wife, mediocre lawyer, the Whitewater scandal with the suspicious death of her associate Vince Foster, her first failure to organize a national health care system - how many chances are we going to give her?

What is it about this woman than is accomplished or admirable? She has a long record of failures, personal and professional and no experience in government or foreign affairs, other than what was injected by her husband (if he ever slept with her).

I can't stand it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"In a conversation, remember that you're more interested in what you're saying than anyone else is." (Rooney)